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Reima Epati - Fashion Editorial Model for Eveni

Meet Reima! Student Officer Administrator, Mum & Eveni Fashion Editorial Model I never thought modelling would be my thing Lol!But somehow by doing so, I have learnt to feel comfortable in what I do and yes modelling for Eveni is a dream come true knowing they have the best quality in everything     Images by Jordan Kwan & Karla Leota of IslandThrift

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Meet the Photographer - Nicholai Partch

Meet Samoan Based Photographer - Nicholai Partch My photography style is mostly portrait and wedding photography. I love capturing people at their most natural state. Started photography 3 years ago when I was studying in China.  My favourite thing about Eveni shoots is that I get to incorporate my style of photography with an iconic brand in Samoa and especially having my work shown throughout Samoa and abroad through their advertisements. Which is something I am very thankful to Eveni for.

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Meet the Photographer - Jordan Kwan

  My name is Jordan Kwan, and I'm a photographer currently based in Samoa. I've always loved photos as far back as I can remember, and owned my first camera when I was a little over 8 years old. It seems fitting that I'd end up doing photography for work as a grown up -- although, it's never work when you're doing something you're passionate about.   We tend to take photos for granted. There's something magical about snapping a single moment in time, and preserving it for years to come. I'm always overcome with feelings of nostalgia when I come across old photographs of people and places, of a bygone era. In the back of my mind I'm always...

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