From Hawaii to Samoa! Ashlyn talks family, freedom and fun, embracing life on a new Island.

With zeal, she pursues her goal to thrive by "showing up and giving 100% always! "
5:15 a.m.- Carefully roll out of bed to not wake my toddler. Glass of ACV water followed by a quick hot shower to wake up. Grab my gym essentials and to-do list, I'm out the door!
6 a.m.- Crossfit Fatutoa. It's Heavy Clean & Jerk testing today. Such a positive way to start my day with a good sweat and great company.
9:30 a.m.- I recently started homeschooling. I settle my 9 year old with her online math lessons, my 7 year old with Language Arts at the kitchen table, as I go over phonics with my five year old on the couch. I rotate between children and teaching subjects, all while their baby sister spreads toys everywhere.
1 p.m.- Run errands around town for my husband's office. But first, pick up my favourite order at Krush Juice Lounge. I'm addicted to their black bean pesto burger and protein shakes.
6 p.m.- Dinner and family time.
9 p.m.- Review homeschool lessons plans for the next day, update planner. The more thoughts I write down, the more productive I am the next day.
10:30 p.m.- Lights out. Gone are my late nights on social media, it's all about quality sleep now!
9 a.m.- On the road to Nana's village in Aleipata. Enjoying the flexibility of homeschool as we play at the beach and learn about the ocean.
4 p.m. Starting on Dinner early before dropping my Son off at Judo practice.
5:30 p.m.- I make a goal to try something new each year, this year the Nafanua Kalapu Alo Paopao Club have welcomed me to their social padding. It's such beautiful sight being out on the ocean in the evening and looking in at Apia and the mountains.
9:30 p.m - Reading the Chronicles of Narnia with my kids before falling asleep.
7 a.m.- Grabbing a cold niu at the makeki after a killer Crossfit WOD (workout of the day). Stocking up on fruits for smoothies.
9 a.m - Kids are fed. Makeup and hair done. My morning consists of stopping at Samoa Spare Parts for oil filters and break pads, SSAB for an upcoming science experiment lesson and Eveni Carruther's for a special birthday gift.
1 p.m - Enjoying a juicy cheeseburger from Rosy's at The White House in Fugalei, never disappoints!
5 p.m.- On Fridays we don't Homeschool but instead plan an activity. So up the Robert Louis trail we are currently hiking, toddler on my back and the three older ones running ahead of me. We finish off with a swim in the river afterwards. Hashtag, Lucky we live Samoa!
8:30 p.m - After a long week it's pizza for the kids, while Mommy has dinner at Amanaki's with friends followed by karaoke!
As told to Fashion Stylist - Shivani Sharma