Tell us a bit about yourself
Talofa, my name is Myka Stanley and i'm a media freelancer based in Samoa.
Talofa, my name is Myka Stanley and i'm a media freelancer based in Samoa.
I specialise in Wedding Filmmaking & Photography but also like to dabble in all things creative.
I love the outdoors, being active, a good coffee & pizza.
1. When did you start photography?

2. How did you know this is what you wanted to pursue?
Long story short, I hated the idea of working an "office job" and because of this I wanted to pursue something that I thought would be both fun & challenging.
3. What's the best thing about photography?
5. Tips on photography
Start small & build from there. It sounds clique but the best camera to start with is the one you currently have.
7. What's your experience on the Eveni shoot(s)?
I've shot with Eveni a couple of times when I was getting started and found it to be a great learning experience.

1. When did you start photography?
I bought my first semi-pro camera in 2016. Before then I had owned multiple point & shoot cameras just because I like to capture moments.

2. How did you know this is what you wanted to pursue?
Long story short, I hated the idea of working an "office job" and because of this I wanted to pursue something that I thought would be both fun & challenging.
3. What's the best thing about photography?
Being able to take my work anywhere.

4. What's the worst thing about photography?
The expense. Gear isn't cheap and being in the islands there is a far greater risk of your gear failing on you.
The expense. Gear isn't cheap and being in the islands there is a far greater risk of your gear failing on you.
There is a tax on all imported goods in Samoa & no one who can repair gear here when it breaks down.
5. Tips on photography
Start small & build from there. It sounds clique but the best camera to start with is the one you currently have.
It's not the camera that makes the magic, it's the eye behind it.
6. What's your photography style?
Simple & effective.
Simple & effective.

7. What's your experience on the Eveni shoot(s)?
I've shot with Eveni a couple of times when I was getting started and found it to be a great learning experience.
They were able to provide me with some exposure on social media which i'm sure has helped create more interest in my services and i'm really grateful for that.

8. Among your works, which one is your favourite? Why?
The one that has yet to be created. Because I'm always trying better myself and my skills. My philosophy, enjoy the process.
9. Whose work has influenced you most?
Hard to say who has been the most influential in my photography but probably Alexia Rae as we work together often and are always collaborating.
10. What is the one thing you wish you knew when you started taking photos?
The one that has yet to be created. Because I'm always trying better myself and my skills. My philosophy, enjoy the process.
9. Whose work has influenced you most?
Hard to say who has been the most influential in my photography but probably Alexia Rae as we work together often and are always collaborating.
10. What is the one thing you wish you knew when you started taking photos?
That comparison is the quickest way to discontentment. Don't compare yourself to others. Stay on your lane and focus on being the best you can be. The rest will fall in to place.

Images of Myka taken by Alexia Rae